Reviews of Water Confidential
Reviews for Water Confidential: Justice Denied
Here is what is hopefully the first of many reviews for Water Confidential: Justice Denied.
Another review that warms my heart. Canadians must demand their MP's and MLA's to make safe drinking water a key issue in their portfolios and in elections. ~~ Susan Blacklin
"Hello Susan,
Thank you so much for writing this book. I picked it up on the ferry, on my way to an asset management conference where a lot of 'suits' were droning on about services they could offer to everyone in infrastructure management.
I am a water operator in a vast and spectacularly beautiful area. The first nations history here is colourful, fascinating and documented in various ways. I have just stepped into a role where i am tasked with dealing with the piranha feeding engineers (as i call them). It is another sad story of them taking the lion's share of the capitol projects money, designing over-complicated systems, and leaving us operators to gradually, and at great expense, put it back to the simple, functional, maintainable way it was before.
I am sooo frustrated. I love this place, but they are ruining it. And all they see is the money. They know who to wine and dine. Your book and this role I play and this world full of greedy corporate wars leaves me sad, but it's those relationships you form, usually when in need or trouble, or when you put yourself out there and selflessly help as did your entire family; those are the important things that help sustain you.
Thank you for standing up for good people, excellent values, and for doing that 'woman thing', of selflessly serving a heartfelt cause, despite the toll it took on you. I don't think those in charge would ever endorse an IBROM treatment system here, but I will definitely put a bug in their ear and research it.
(Oh darn! I'm sorry I missed signing your petition.)"
Expertise and Passion
Susan Blacklin is not only an author, but also an advocate for Indigenous rights. Her passion for this issue shines through in her paintings and writing, which is both informative and deeply moving.
Extensive Research
Susan's work is based on extensive research and firsthand experience. With her late husband, Dr. Hans Peterson, Susan has traveled across Canada to meet with Indigenous communities and learn about their struggles and triumphs.
Engaging Writing Style
Susan's writing is accessible and engaging, making complex issues easy to understand and compelling to read.